Gabriel Lesquoy

Erika Witthuhn

He was born at the foot of the Dolomiti mountains and his life is a mandala of experiences: mountaineer, warrior, explorer, builder and shaman.
He travelled through the 5 Continents living like a nomad. He is father of 5 biological children and 6 adopted ones. From 1977 to 2011 he lived in Himalaya where he got the formal recognition as Ringpocthe and as himalayan „Guru“, channeler of the „Great Mother“.
Eris is a student of the human consciousness, he is going on with his daily relationship with material food experiencing the traditional asceticism and the abstention from the 5 senses, fasting and consciousness expansion.
Livello respiriano:
Place of residence: Italy
Spoken languages: Italian, English, French, Indian, Tibetan, Arabic
14 September 2021
5 September 2019
19 September 2018