Nicolas Pilartz
Nicolas Pilartz

Nelly Quil

Nelly Quil introduces herself as a “consciousness adventurer,” like all the daring beings who have come to this incarnation.

A researcher of the soul, she has always been interested in everything concerning the Living, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large. A “spontaneous cure” of sterility and then cancer became her first Awakenings of Consciousness regarding the link between Body and Spirit.

Her relationship with food started with limitations linked to social conformity, which created eating disorders linked to life issues, erroneous beliefs, and disruptive emotions.

All this finally guided her to pranic food.

A psychotherapist for 15 years, then an Awakener of Consciousness, she has created seminars, in particular “Feeding: An Act of Love for Oneself,” accompanied by weeks of “Fasting – Nature and Consciousness.” Pranic food altered her field of consciousness even more, in response to her question, “But what quantum leap must we take on this earth for our evolution?” “Yes, the Light food invites our Being of Light to fully reveal itself and vice versa.” Today, quite naturally, she accompanies people on “Daring to Feed on Light” processes of 10 or 21 days, both live and online through videos and video-support.

Her book is called: “Daring to Heal… Your Body, Your Heart, Your Relationships, Your Sexuality, Your Planet.”

Breatharian level:

Place of residence: France
Languages spoken: French