Victor Truviano
Victor Truviano
Tim Rustow
Tim Rustow
Victor Truviano
Victor Truviano
Tim Rustow
Tim Rustow


VENI Loveandlight – studied in Poland and France (Sorbonne, Paris) A therapist since 1995. She developed her own methods based on the harmony of body, mind and soul by connecting the spiritual growth with prosperity. Veni facilitates lectures, seminars, group meditations and one-on-one sessions across the globe. She switched to prana spontaneously in 2004 and introduced a softer method to breatharianism called “Pranic Diet”. Veni published several books including „Light Nourishment. My Journey with Eating Differently. Pranic Diet” (2012) and supporting CDs. She has been facilitating 7, 9, and 11-day pranic processes since 2004 and is able to share the pranic nourishment in 1 day (so-called Matrix transfer). She also developed her own set of supporting exercises. Veni is able to see past lives; she channels angelic transmissions, communicates with nature beings and speaks light language that cleans, transforms, heals and raises vibrations. She also paints healing pieces and participates in vernissages.
Thanks to prana she finds herself very active even after 20 hours of work; she is healthy, full of energy and ideas and she feels younger and younger each day.

Livello respiriano:  

Place of residence: Polonia

Spoken languages: English, French, Polish
