Morgaine Owens

Dorian Vallet

My name is Amudra Madhura and my journey towards living on prana has been an interesting one. Coming from eating a lot of animal proteïn and lots of natural supplementation during my miss fitness period until I was 35. After this period vegetarian, vegan, fruitarian, liquidarian, vegetarian again and after this time getting so many food intolerances that the next step was towards living on prana. I could really feel it was my soul's mission to live and teach foodfreedom, no doubt about it. I have a background in orthomolecular therapy, trauma therapy, kundalini yoga and breathwork and I use all of these skills in my retreats and courses.
My pranic journey started in 2018 and I have been teaching pranic retreats ever since. Clearing the cell memory and the spaces between the cells and the energetic field is one of the most important subjects during my retreats and courses. Not focusing on living on prana but clearing the multi dimensional body of old limiting convictions, beliefs and trauma. If all of these are cleared your cells will vibrate in a much higher frequency and food freedom will be available.
Cleansing = purifying = higher frequency = foodfreedom
Living on prana has brought me a totally new life, loving every second of it.
Breatharian level:
Place of residence: HollandeSpoken languages: Dutch, English