Ma Rasa Marilena Pravisani
straubinger Breatharian
P.A. Straubinger
Ma Rasa Marilena Pravisani
straubinger Breatharian
P.A. Straubinger

Jesse Boudreau

Jesse Boudreau is a permaculture designer, an herbalist, and a raw vegan health coach. He has been exploring the Pranic lifestyle since 2011, when he began incorporating raw foods, herbs, meditation, sungazing, grounding, and fasting into his way of life. In 2017, he transitioned into liquidarianism after completing a 4-day Pranic initiation. For the past year, Jesse has been prana feasting 23 hours per day and juicing for an hour per day, using fresh-pressed juice, super-food juices, and tonic herbal teas and broths. He practices Qi Gong, sungazing, and meditation daily, and he is passionate about helping people transition to a healthy, free, more Pranic lifestyle.

Breatharian level:  

Place of residence: USA
Spoken languages: English