Jasmin Herrera
Jerome Shaw
Jerome Shaw
Jasmin Herrera
Jerome Shaw
Jerome Shaw

Adrienn Light

My spiritual journey began at an early age. I have always been a sensitive and delicate person, suffering from various digestive disorders, allergies, candida attacks and asthma.

In 2014, I became raw and vegan, and two years later, I became fruitarian.

In 2016, the call came for me to go through the physical-spiritual process that would lead me to live on Prana alone (though at that time, I didn’t want to stop eating food altogether and only experienced the process).

As a consequence, although this was not my goal, I realized I had a Body of Light. Afterwards, I experienced a period of knowing this new Body of mine, and a totally new life began.

In 2018, like the completion of a jigsaw puzzle, the last piece of the picture came: I understood the real reason why I had experienced all of this. At that moment, my Guides of Light invited me to give talks and conferences about what I was channeling through their help, as I was also becoming a Channel and a Lightworker, and I had discovered that I could help people activate their own Light Body.

Thus, my 7-Day Light Body Activation Process was born, during which I, with my Guides and other Higher Spiritual Beings, create the activation of the Light Body in the participants of the seminars. In addition to this service, I am a medium, a healer of the energetic body, and act as an intermediary between the Higher Spiritual Ego of those who consult me and the 3-Dimensional Planes in which we live, thanks to the help of my Guides and other Higher Beings who intervene during my sessions.

In everyday life, I am a simple mother of a family, who lives with her husband and her beloved daughter.


Breatharian level:

Place of residence: Spain
Spoken Languages: Spanish, english