Matteo Volpengo
Matteo Volpengo

Ujas Thakkar

Never born, never died but in this temple named Ujas - came on 11/11/1992. From childhood itself, I was less interested in food and more into life's joy, moving and playing all day. Being highly energetic, flexible, lean, and slim, I was bullied multiple times by society for being thin. This brought me to a phase of overeating and gaining artificial weight. Being highly inclined towards spirituality, I finally transitioned to lighter foods, consumed raw food and fruits, in particular, for 4 years. I did multiple juice fasts, coconut water fasts for long periods of 6 months, and lost a lot of weight. I finally got a rebirth and entered into pranic nourishment by taking my first breatharian initiation from Nicolas Pilartz. He helped me understand the true difference between fasting and Pranic Living. From lack, I slowly entered the realm of abundance. Life gave me a new life with unimaginable energy, potential, higher intelligence, intuition, and bliss.
Currently thriving on prana for the past one and half year while making my cells happy with liquids. I consume solid food very occasionally to increase my awareness and know its deeper effects on my consciousness.

I am a meditation coach, author and a well-being alchemist but this lifestyle has made me a dynamic human being who is capable of doing everything !

Breatharian level:  

Place of residence: India
Spoken languages: Inglese