Ranjeet Kaur Bassi

Ma Rasa Marilena Pravisani

Lyubov Karlova is a breatharian, optimist, author, composer, positive thinking instructor, mother, wife and tireless practitioner.
She switched to pranic nutrition in 2015, having previously established herself on a liquid diet. From the summer of 2015 to the summer of 2019, there were nine kickbacks to food, but each time she diligently returned to her beloved state of cleanliness and lightness, which she found through her new, special lifestyle, a lifestyle without physical food.
Usually she does not drink water, but during business social events, she sometimes takes a sip of water so as not to embarrass other people making important toasts, since no one except a narrow circle of her relatives and friends knows about her lifestyle.
But if she is invited by like-minded people, people who are interested in the topic of abstinence from food, she is happy to hold meetings, satsangs or retreats, and she also gives individual lessons, helping a person go through the process of cleansing the body (in order to avoid serious crises), taking into account personal characteristics, whether it is the intention of a person to adopt a pranic lifestyle or to make their diet at least lighter!
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lubovkarlova